Best iPhone Apps That Simplify The Lives of Pakistani Women

We are constantly working. Be it at home with kids, or in the University, or at work. Our minds have a lot going on.

What to cook, what to do for the weekend, when to take our kids to their friends birthday party and when is the last date of the utility bill.

Since the majority of Pakistani women focus more on their duties that they are responsible for rather than on their personal interests which is like going to the gym, or saloon.

The apps that work best for us are :-

1. Any List



My most favorite and useful app.

If you still are writing down the grocery items and walking here to there in between the aisles in the supermarket, download Any List ASAP.

You just type the grocery items and it will sort them out accordingly.

For example face wash and soaps go in Personal Hygiene.

And while doing grocery, keep cancelling the items which are in your trolley.

You can also share your list with your partner, so no more conveying, just informing through the phone.

2. Cozi



Rated as one of the best apps for women.

It’s basically a family organizer tool.

Schedules, appointments, birthdays, sharing grocery lists, in short; your entire household activities can be managed with this amazing app.

For us we can use it as a reminder to call the water tanker or how much petrol is left for the generator.

3. Pocket Expense Lite



Manage your expenses and you won’t be scratching your head thinking of where did those Rs.5000 go?

Whether you are tight on budget or you simply want to keep track of your home budget, Pocket Expense Lite is your accountant in your pocket.

Set up the reminders in it according to your wish and get full data of your home budget.

4. First Aid



We all keep a first aid box in our house but do we exactly know how to treat severe burn at home before rushing to the hospital?

This app has a dedicated section for baby and child first aid care, something very useful to all Pakistani women.

Choking, insect bites, bruising can be handled pretty smartly with this life saving app.

5. Nike Training Club



Your very own personal trainer.

If you’ve recently had a baby and trying to tuck in all that baby fat or you simply want to tone up your body and simply don’t have time for the gym, then this app can be extremely useful.

Nike training club focuses on women and is helping them out with their workouts.

Become a part of training club and stay healthy and beautiful.

Author: Kiran Kanwal

I am a freelance writer, I enjoy researching and writing about my city. There are so many new ventures opening up in the city, which I believe need to be reviewed honestly for the sake of spreading awareness and information among the citizens. Since there is so much happening in the city, I like to write about the "Good Stuff." Besides writing my other pleasures are healthy cooking and traveling.

One thought on “Best iPhone Apps That Simplify The Lives of Pakistani Women”

  1. A great list of apps particularly aiming women. love the Nike app for workouts. I am fitness freak myself, so i can appreciate the app very well.

    And that first aid app.. that’s a keeper,

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