In the Mood of Mutton Stew

Mutton Stew

Let me be honest, but this is actually the first time I made mutton stew. And it turned out to be great!

An extremely easy and delicious recipe.


Mutton ½ kg

Onion 3-4 medium sized chopped

Yogurt1/2 cup

Tomato paste 2tsp

Whole red chillis 6-8

Garlic cloves 4-6 sliced

Ginger 2inch piece sliced

Whole coriander 1 tbsp

Bay leaves 1-2

Cumin seeds 1 tbsp

Cinnamon 1-2 inch piece

Black pepper corns 6-8

Big cardamom 1

Small cardamom 3-4

Cooking oil ½ cup


Defrost the meat and then pat it with kitchen towel.

In a big pan add all the ingredients together with ¼th cup of water and cook it on very low flame.

It will take approximately 2 hrs, but trust me the meat will be so soft it will melt between your fingers.

Then once the meat is tender, higher the flame and wait for the oil to come up.

Turn off the heat and delicious mutton stew is ready.

Serve with fresh, warm, homemade roti.


Polio in Pakistan: Shame, Threat, Nuisance

Lately there’s been lot of buzzing;

“Polio in Pakistan and WHO’s strict guidelines on Pakistani people travelling abroad.”

Our family is not a T.V centered one. Sometimes the whole week passes by and we don’t turn on the T.V.

We just get the headlines online and I did pass by some news of rising cases of Polio in Pakistan.

But the extent of its seriousness I learnt much later. And so I have categorized this issue under the following headings:-

1. Shame

Out of 196 countries in the world only 3 countries including, Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan are the ones still hanging on to Polio, which makes it a percentage of only 1.5%.

Unfortunately we, a much ahead and developing nation as compared to Afghanistan and Nigeria are a part of it.

Disgraceful but its true!

Polio is not AIDS, it’s not SARS, and it’s not a recent complex disease which cannot be prevented. Polio is preventable!

And not some high tech, expensive, unreachable method is needed, its just 2 drops free of cost.

Two drops of life!
And polio vaccines are one of the safest vaccines, without any side effects.

And when the whole world has become a polio free zone, why not us?
We belonging to South Asia, the much awaited new world, the region which has the highest population of youth, and the whole world has its eyes on it. But every time the world looks at us. Polio is the dark and grave image.

Bangladesh and China became polio free much earlier than us and India became polio free in 2011.

With the vaccines provided free of cost by WHO and UN still it’s here and reports say its rising.

And I know all the people who are reading my blog are completely vaccinated and have their children vaccinated and any distant people they know are also vaccinated.
But unfortunately our percentage is very low, and it’s the poor, uneducated, weak who need to be vaccinated.

And what more….
There is a whole movement against the polio eradication by militant groups in Pakistan
Because according to them Polio drops cause impotency!

I’m sorry while writing this post I’m literally clenching my fist with anger, because I want my country to be polio free.

2. Threat

Oh yes Polio is a big threat to all of us.

Do you know how the virus spreads?

Well the main route of transmission is through the feces (polio viruses are found in the feces of an infected person).And although this sounds fairly a not so very scary way because who is touching the feces or has anything to do with it, as compared to when we openly avoid a person with the common cold or flu.

Well, the feces goes into the sewage and sewage water runs through the slums and even just the rivers running around the city and as for Karachi a major part goes into the sea.
And when this contaminated water comes in contact with food or is used to wash utensils then BINGO! it can easily attack the other person.

Even flies can carry the virus if they sit on the stool and then on food.

And polio also spreads via oral to oral transmission
When an infected person sneezes or coughs, droplets spray into the air. The infected mucus or saliva can land in other people’s noses or throats when they breathe or put their fingers in their mouth, nose, or eyes after touching an infected surface.

Most people infected with the polio virus have no signs of illness and are never aware they have been infected. These symptom less people carry the virus in their intestines and can “silently” spread the infection to thousands of others before the first case of polio paralysis emerges.

So its not just the reported cases that is worrisome but whats even more dangerous and threatening,are the symptom less carriers of polio virus.

This is the height of the seriousness of this issue and Pakistan is poorly failing here.
Its not just terrorism we are at war with, its also a war against polio.

3. Nuisance

And when the people of Pakistan wish to travel abroad for work, visits, tourism they face this hurdle because of the recent strict guidelines given by WHO.

Although the embassies are not openly giving notifications of the requirement of a medical certificate of polio vaccine, they absolutely want it and we are also hearing that in the airports Pakistanis are required to produce a medical certificate.

It will not be long that international airports will open a quick check laboratory just to collect blood samples of Pakistani for safety guidelines.

But at the moment what WHO has done is 100% right, maybe this will bell the cat and our health sector, government, NGOs will actually start taking actions.

Dolmen City, Clifton, I’m in Love with this Place.

Dolmen City, Clifton Karachi

It’s been almost 5 years since we moved to Defence and I think it was around the first months of 2011 that we first visited Dolmen City and although my expectations were not very high about this place, there was a lot more to come than I expected.

We had heard about Hyperstar that it’s a French chain.

But honestly there was not much publicity, it was quite hidden, maybe it was the beginning to the opening of an astounding treasure which would become a part of Karachi’s lifestyle.

And so while driving back from Park towers( Park Towers is the Mother Mall of all the malls in Karachi and so it has its own distinct position).

Ali said let’s check out Hyperstar, we looked for the parking and entered the basement parking.

That was it!

As soon as we drove towards the parking I couldn’t believe it that this is Karachi.

What a parking!

The system, the monitor for available parking, the staff for managing the cars everything was just too good to be true.

And as we entered inside the Mall though at that time very few people were entering with us, a sweet cool swift of air touched our face.

I was like WOW! This is awesome.

And I just couldn’t help smiling with excitement.

Dolmen city was actually looking like a well planned, cool, fun and safe city.

The first stores open were Gul Ahmed, Junxion and Hyperstar.

And the first thing that I wanted to do was to check out Sindbad because like all moms I want kids to have fun after some boring shopping.

But Sindbad was not there, it arrived much later and it is the best play area for kids which caters all age groups.

So we entered Hyperstar and again a big Wow!

Electronics, toys, crockery, you name it, everything to be found and what more the prices were actually low.

But what I loved most was the meat section; clean, hygienic, extremely tempting to see fresh lambs hanging in a row…

Yummm…. Fresh meat!

And fish; even the ones not native to Pakistan like Sole, later Ali made excellent Sole meuniere ( french food).

And so this was just the beginning, and after that day I have done a countless visits there.

When we are getting bored, or we just want to feel fresh or take Kabir for some fun, and in these past years all my family members who came here for a visit, the first big and new thing was Dolmen City.

For all the immigrants Dolmen City is an eye opener, the brighter side of the picture and definitely it raised many questions regarding their life abroad.

So every weekend we go there, usually in daylight because then we have the whole day to stroll around, do some shopping, eat in the food court (for the food outlets in Dolmen City l’ll write another blog).

And the best thing about Dolmen City is that every time I go, there is something new which adds to the excitement.

A Birthday at McDonald’s; Start of the weekend

Since I’m a mom of a kindergartner and an infant there’s no lying or snuggling late in bed. Everyday I’m up at 6:30 or stretch it to 7:30 in the weekend.

So as they say: Late to bed early to rise makes a woman heavy, don’t know about wealthy and brings dark circles under her eyes.

If you are lucky and have developed the habit of cat nap you can catch up with energy for the rest of the day or drink many cups of tea. As for me I can fall in a deep sleep and become Alice in Wonderland for 15 minutes.

Gibran in the meanwhile is either sliding on his walker or playing in his cot and Kabir is coloring or sitting on me with a book.

My friends envy this bliss capability of mine, girl you just need to practice Inner peace, inner peace!

Multitasking is just a small word for us, we are multi talented, we have split personalities and we can exhibit multiple emotions all at the same time.

We can be completely ready in our chiffon dress to go out, when the little one throws a vomit and the elder one spills juice on the floor and you have to make tea for your hubby, all at the same time.

Then we manage to wash our dress, dry it, iron it and wear it again, change the baby, mop the floor and serve tea and cookies to darling hubby and then pull the nicest smile and not just the smile actually feel that nothing happened.

So we have this encoded DNA, that fix it, even if are responsible for the damage.

First I got the house cleaned by the maid Gosh! I’m so lucky and thankful to my hubby that I have a maid. I read animal encyclopedia to Kabir and Gibran, made breakfast for us which was simple egg sandwiches then by 11 started to cook; Maash ki Daal and Chicken Karahi. By 1 pm everything was ready.

Then we were off to McDonalds for Kabirs classmate’s birthday. The new McDonalds at Seaview is really good, they have a kids party room with great cooling and the play area is big and safe.

The best thing about 4 years old is their pure innocence  and amazing ability to find joy anywhere and in anything. While Kabir and his friends danced and played, I had time to chit chat about lawn of course, hair, kids and the beating heat.

Gibran cried a little as it was his nap time, I gave him the bottle and he dozed off like an angel.

At home Kabir poured down each and every detail of the party to his daddy. Oh yes! BTW McDonalds return gifts are very nice especially the pencil and sharpener is of very good quality and the happy meal toys are one of the best as compared to other food chains.

The kids slept at 8 which means I got time to chill with some delectable left over Nihari from Daily Dubai.

It was definitely a fulfilling Saturday!

Mothers Day! Society pressure. Don’t do it you are a bad Kid!

Whatever day it is, Oh yes!
The first Sunday of May.
The day of highest sales in the U.S, the day of being forced to think about your mom even if you don’t want to.

When I was in school I can barely remember making a mother’s day card. Hmmmm…. Nope!

In fact this You Must Celebrate Mothers Day Syndrome attacked Pakistan some 10 years back and what can be the reason of course our uprising media industry.

Thanks to Morning shows number 1 and gift shops in the mall number 2.

TRPs, marketing, advertisements, sales!

Big celebrities shedding a tear, creating an emotional whirlpool for the audience all in the name of “MOTHER”

Slowly this You Must Celebrate Mothers day Syndrome crept into our society, just like Valentines Day.

And boy! Mothers day celebrations are everywhere!

I am not going to lecture here on the most loving, caring, helpful, important, motivating and sacrificing being on earth.
For some special people words can never be enough and if words can’t justify that one being how can it be one day?

After I had Kabir my elder one, I was asked, “What are you doing for mother’s day?”

I’m like what am I supposed to do Ammi is not even here and besides what are we supposed to do?

I’m going to do nothing!

But why can’t you express love on this day when the whole world is doing it?

Just this one day what about the rest of the 364 days?

Am I not supposed to express love and gratitude and be nice to her always?

Now that I am away from her I miss her so badly sometimes I cry, I regret the hurtful things I said to her, I want to actually show my passion to her and love her through my attitude.

But sorry I just can’t go with the flow here.

But the sad thing is that the same people ask Ammi, “What did Kiran do for you today?”

And I can sense the anticipation in Ammi’s voice, which makes me feel like a bad kid.

But no worries Ammi will love me always no matter what because this is what ammi’s do.

P.S don’t forget to avail discounts from salons and stores and yes Kidz Dunya at Dolmen City is offering free entry to mothers.

After all there’s no harm in collecting the perks even if you don’t celebrate.