5 Tips for Saving Yourself from Depressions of Karachi

I love Karachi.

It’s huge, colorful, scattered, adventurous, happening, new, mysterious, romantic.

Karachi is the kind of a city that consumes you entirely and you always struggle to consume it.

But when one thing is just so intensely beautiful and magnetic it has its dark side, which is scary, and at times extremely difficult to cope with.

With a lot of crime, bad news, water shortage, power failure and undue strikes all of which pose a hurdle to our daily routine, the going gets rough, we get frustrated and start to lose it.

But with young, innocent, kids around our frustration complicates life for them.

So here are my 5 tips which will help you keep cool when the city gets rough:-

1. Don’t watch news at all (only before long distance traveling watch a reliable news channel and get updates of the city and especially of the place you are going to.)

2. An idle brain is evils home.
Don’t sit idle in spare time. Read books, do your own pedicure, watch a good movie or make some craft.

3. Avoid talking to people who keep worrying and always discuss the current situation of the city.

4. Exercise or yoga. Its proven exercise reduces stress, it rejuvenates, clears toxins and the benefits are countless.

5. Be thankful always. No matter what be thankful; and count your blessings.

10 Tips on How to Survive Without a Maid in Karachi

Sounds impossible! But it is practical.

I only write what I experience and this is something that I did go through for a couple of months.

Here are 10 tips to help you survive without a maid:-
1. Mentally prepare yourself. The mind controls your body, yes I can do it and I will do it. For the first time I will be the boss of the house, from the kitchen to the bathroom everything will be under my control.

2. Remember, you are doing your own work. This is your house, your kids your husband this is your work. You don’t owe anything to anybody and no one owns anything to you.

3. Time management is the key.

4. Maintenance is essential. Prevent the clutter from spreading. Trust me it will be so much easier.

5. Early to bed and early to rise makes a woman healthy, beautiful and wise.

6. Always always cook the first thing in the morning. Husband and children can ignore mess but not a hungry stomach. My lunch was always cooked by 11:30 am.

7. Buy the latest design mops and broom, cleaning will be so much easy. Invest in good cleaning equipments.

8. Folding clothes, dusting and decluttering can be done even while playing with children.

9. Put kids to sleep at 8 no matter what.

10. Last and most important. Don’t fret, take it easy and give time to your own body, comb your hair put on that makeup and smile at your hubby.

I guarantee one thing. Doing each and everything on your own makes you aware of even the tiniest details of the house and your status as the woman of the house is highly praised and raised.