How to Overcome Procrastination After Eid in 3 Simple Steps

Does the thought of getting back to routine  after Eid gets butterflies  in your stomach? Are you stressing over the thought of having to wake up at 7 in the morning or sending kids to school especially after the month of Ramzan and the party week after Eid?

Well this happens with most of us and getting back to routine or start doing important things, or completing your pending tasks, or getting back to achieving your goals can be quite a struggle.

Be it your health and fitness routine or your money saving goals or of starting something new or finishing that book or teaching your kids something new, everything gets a bit off track in Ramzan and Eid.

Late night eating, shopping, preparing, and lots of cooking hardly leaves energy to focus on other things, so once we are done with Eid Milans and Get Togethers or Eid dinners we become victims of procrastination.

What is procrastination after Eid?

Let me put it short for you its “Susti”

A very professional term for a very unprofessional feeling that is; “SUSTI” and something which we Karachiites are a major victim owing to the hot weather, increased humidity, and untimely load shedding which makes us spend more on KE bills and petrol for the generator.

All these setbacks absorb more energy from our mind and body and leave us  like a half human and half zombie creature.

So if you are just lying around on the couch with the remote in your hand and not exactly watching TV, instead just skimming it or all you want to do is sleep and not even are in the mood of changing your pajamas then its time to break the shackles and get back to work with these 3 simple steps:-

1. Take a Shower; First Thing in the Morning

It doesn’t matter if you are waking up early or wake up after 12, just step into the shower and let the cool water flow on your head.

There’s a connection between water and refreshment so if you take a shower the earliest possible, it will relax your body and flush away all the dullness and numbness.

2. Wear Nice clothes and Get a Little Dressed Even if You are at Home

Sounds too much work… I know we all love our pj’s and there’s nothing more comforting than our loose soft, night clothes, but too much comfort drags our body to a toxic level; that is procrastination and in turn we keep delaying important tasks for tomorrow and the day after.

So proper clothing and neatly done hair breaks the too much comfort zone and sets you in action and you actually feel like doing something of value.

3. Talk to Your Loved One or a Near Friend

Psychologists, therapists and even wise people say talk to somebody.

Eye to eye contact, a healthy conversation have healing effects on the body and mind; and kindly keep your hands off your phone and just verbally talk to the person next to you.

Put down your anxiety or discuss the food of Eid or even some gossip, this simple connection between two people relaxes the human mind and gives us the feeling that I’m not alone and I want to smile more and laugh more I want to complete my work nicely and spend more time with him or her.

I want to enjoy life without any guilt of pending tasks so I’ll get up now and start working and get organized.




Author: Kiran Kanwal

I am a freelance writer, I enjoy researching and writing about my city. There are so many new ventures opening up in the city, which I believe need to be reviewed honestly for the sake of spreading awareness and information among the citizens. Since there is so much happening in the city, I like to write about the "Good Stuff." Besides writing my other pleasures are healthy cooking and traveling.

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