Karachi Weather Now: Things You Must Know

If you think that it’s still too early to take out your winter clothes, and spread out your comforters and quilts in the sun, then you are thinking wrong! Karachi weather now is already giving you signals.

You may take it slow to start prepping for winters but the clothing line is already ready to face winters. From #Khaadi to #Sapphire all the big brands have launched their winter collection and women have started to redesign their wardrobes.

But apart the fancy winter look of clothes, shawls, brewing coffee smell and cracking peanuts all night long, winters in Karachi come with their baggage of illnesses and diseases.

Some of the Common Winter Illnesses:-

  • Colds
  • Sore throat
  • Asthma
  • Norovirus
  • Painful Joints
  • Bronchiolitis
  • Cold Sores
  • Dry Skin
  • Flu
  • Pneumonia

And when it comes to a metropolitan city like Karachi which is highly polluted, viruses and bacterias thrive happily.

So considering Karachi weather now, here is a list of must-haves for surviving winters in Karachi blissfully:-

Things You Must Have in Your Home to Survive Winters in Karachi:-

  • Nebulizers

I know many of you who have kids, might already have it, but for those who don’t, I think its the right time to invest in a good nebulizer.

It doesn’t mean that you always use some medications for your mild congestion but even if you only nebulize with saline, it provides some relief.

  • Axe Brand Oil

This is something my mother has been using ever since we were kids, and now I use it. This oil is a combination of menthol, eucalyptus oil, camphor, and some other pain relieving ingredients.

This combination of oils has been used in Ayurvedic treatments too.

Since headaches and flu are very common in winters, a mild massage on the forehead with this oil provides instant relief and you don’t feel the need to pop in a painkiller, which is the biggest plus point.

This oil is also used for the treatment of body aches and stomach problems.

  • Honey, Ginger, Lemon

You definitely need these three ingredients always always in your kitchen to survive the winter. Prepare a tea or consume individually, honey ginger lemon are natural antibiotics.

Every day make it a habit to drink honey ginger lemon tea in the morning, also convince your children to drink it.

  • Bone Broth

Call it paya, or soup, but before the arrival prepare liters of bone broth and store in your freezer.

Bone broth is rich in electrolytes, collagen, proline, glycine all these components are extremely essential for a healthy immune system. Since most of the diseases and illnesses are caused due to a weak immune system, bone broths are one of the easiest ways you can improve your immune system and overall health.

A little effort and establishing a healthy routine can save you your bucks spent on medicines and doctors visit.


Karachi Needs Active Public Spaces More than Ever

The third most populous city in the world, with an average population of 20 million, and with urbanization at its peak; KARACHI.The largest city of Pakistan, the highest revenue generating city.

Every other day a new building is torn down, empty, vacant grounds are occupied with steel and iron. Banks, software houses, multinational companies, shopping malls are found in big numbers here. But just like any other growing big city, Karachi carries its own baggage of mess.

The rise in air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, garbage disposal management, shortage of resources, inflation, and the list goes on.

Now, these are by far and large colossal issues and need immediate attention. Another major problem due to rapid urbanization is that we are losing the public spaces at a much higher rate than expected.

According to satellite imagery, the total share of green space in Karachi has fallen from 4.6% in 2001 to 3.7% in 2013, and has been decreasing ever since.

Now just think of this, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) every city should have a minimum of 9 square metres of green space per person.Which is around 200 sq feet, almost the size of a very small studio apartment.

As for Karachi, since we are already chopping down trees, and demolishing parks, one can imagine how much green space does an average Karachiite owns?

According to many people here, a public space is a shopping mall. But is it really so…

According to UNESCO, a  public space refers to an area or place that is open and accessible to all peoples, regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, age or socio-economic level. These are public gathering spaces such as plazas, squares, and parks. Connecting spaces, such as sidewalks and streets, are also public spaces.

No doubt Karachi has many malls and plazas big and small, but are they really serving the purpose of an active public space?

From a general point of view a public space (park, community center, squares, sidewalks) may seem just well-designed locations. But deep down they serve a much bigger and vital purpose i.e they are areas where communities come alive, where people connect with their neighbors, and where people of a locality learn to take ownership of their area.

Many public parks conditions have degraded over the period of time, and are converting into food streets or adventure lands.

Active public spaces not only provide a platform for environmental and economic sustainability they also make a powerful impact on the social well being of a society.

According to a research conducted by Karachi University and Panjwani Centre of Molecular Medicine, 35.7% people of Karachi suffer from depression. This is absolutely no kidding. Almost half a population of a city is depressed.

Social isolation is one of the main reasons for depression. Also since most of the people are living crammed in their rooms most of the day, they need an open environment, to ward off depression and stress.

Although there are many non-profit groups and NGOs working towards this initiative of restoring and creating more public spaces for the residents, people also need to develop a sense and culture of engaging in public space.

Not every public space has to turn out to be a food street or shopping district.

World Bank approved a package of $86 million to the Karachi Neighborhood Improvement Project (KNIP) in 2017.

The promises of this project are that it will help improve the safety, accessibility, and attractiveness of public spaces in Karachi, such as streets, parks, city squares and pedestrian areas.

It’s been almost a year since this package has been approved, but we haven’t seen any progress.

In a TED Talk, by Amanda Burden, the former director of New York City Department of City Planning explains how her team converted a sandy landfill area near Hudson River into a public space filled with green parks and tree-lined paths. This space is thriving today and it also has a transport system running through it.  When you create an inviting space, the public will come.

Another problem running side by side with the decreasing public spaces is of encroachments. Sidewalks, corners, squares become occupied by people and if not by people they convert into a big garbage dump.

Only if a few dollars from the KNIP project could be used to clear off that dump and renovate a landfill into a cleaner, greener, pavement with some trees and few benches. This could be ideal.

It’s not always about the big bridges, new roads or megaprojects, sometimes, it’s the innovations and creations of a much smaller scale that make the deepest impact on a society.


6 Tips to Book a Guest House in Karachi

Over the past few years, the trend of staying in hotels, motels, guest houses has rapidly increased in big cities like Karachi. Although earlier people, who did not have family or close acquaintances would opt for guest houses now even people who have families here are opting to stay in hotels or guest houses.

Whatever it is, when you are on the hunt of a guest house in Karachi then there are certain things you must look out for.

Why Tourists Prefer a Guest House Over a Hotel

  • More Affordable
    Guest Houses definitely weigh less on your pocket. Whereas hotels charge you way too much, while many have inclusive breakfast packages but still it rounds up to cost much more.Whereas many guest houses also have kitchens where you can cook to your own desire. Thus the food expense is in your own hands and you only pay for what you really eat.
  • Home Away From Home
    Honestly, now I am just a big fan of guest houses because they are always so cozy and comforting and especially with little kids one needs the extra space to move around. Also, one doesn’t feel trapped in a room, there more freedom.
  • Have the entire Space to Yourself
    Since guest houses are not as grand as hotels, and there are relatively fewer people accommodated there, one usually gets to know everyone. And one can easily move around the lobby and lounges. There a fewer people in the pool and you definitely feel as if you own the place.

Guest Houses in Karachi

After the rise of Air BnB and the increases of people visiting Karachi, the demand of guest houses in Karachi has increased. But let’s consider some of the key points before opting for a guest house in Karachi

Tips to Book a Guest House in Karachi

  1. Location
    Karachi is a huge city, which has certain pockets of areas which are either not very safe or not very friendly. I am not going to name them since many of us already know. So a wiser decision to select a guest house in Karachi is to make sure of its location.The guest house must be in the busy areas of the city and not cordoned off away from the main centers. Also, there are some guest houses which have been in business for quite a while, and they have neighboring guest houses as well, so it’s better to opt for them. Even if you need to travel to some far off distances, choose a reputable guest house in a decent location.
  2. Reviews
    This is totally where you must and should rely on your social network Reference, reviews, and recommendations, which will come way too handy.Honestly, nowadays the only trusted source are the genuine people of your community, who will tell you the most honest details, like I did not appreciate the window of the guest house facing right across the neighboring house, they could directly peep into our rooms.” Now, this is something which only a commoner who has spent few days in that particular guest house will tell you.
  3. Security
    Before booking a guest house, always always ask about the security details, like are there functioning security cameras installed? if yes then how many? Is there a security guard at the entrance? Do they have a locker etc.
  4. High-Speed Internet
    Our source of survival when we are away from home. Everything nowadays is the internet, we rely on it more than ever. So a good guest house will definitely have a high-speed internet.
  5. Family friendly
    Is the guest house entertaining towards families with children? And even if you are not planning to stay with children a family friendly guest house, usually has decent people at its managerial positions. They are more accommodating. Also, a family-friendly guest house will have the necessary facilities in its vicinity.
  6. Cost
    Lastly, but not the least, cost. Depending on the kind of stay, you can manage your budget. A shorter stay, intended only for spending the night, should not cost much. But if you are staying with family, then you must consider all the above points. Depending on your planned budget, you can always figure out a suitable guest house in Karachi.

Best Places To Visit in Karachi

For anyone who is new in Karachi or when referring about which places to visit in Karachi, one can have a quite long list. And why wouldn’t it be? After all, Karachi is a huge city with so many attractions and things to do, that one can hardly come up with the best places to visit in Karachi.

So A Cup of Karachi has done the task for you and I have come up with a list of the most appropriate and totally worth it places to visit here.

Of course, we have the Karachi Zoo here as well, but do you really want to visit it and get disappointed? I mean, yes it’s a zoo which has its own share of wild animals, but the overall state of the zoo is pretty much below average.

Besides, if you really are fond of animals, then Safari Park is a much better option than Karachi Zoo.

The list below is arranged from the best places at the top and then the better and good.

(Trust me all these places are definitely worth a visit)

Best Places to Visit in Karachi

1.Dolmen Mall Clifton

Sounds very cliche, yes I know, but one can’t really help asking anyone who is new here, “Have you been to Dolmen Mall Clifton?

When you are looking for good cafes, or nice restaurants, or some place where kids can have fun, or if you want a place that has all the brands under one roof, or if you simply need to go out for regular grocery shopping, you name it and Dolmen Mall Clifton has it.

Yes, Dolmen Mall Clifton has everything to offer. A state of the art mall, with all the facilities, full proof security, air conditioning etc.

Dolmen Mall definitely makes it to the top of the list of places to visit in Karachi.

2.Nueplex Cinema

With 5 huge theaters and high-definition projection systems, 2D and 3D screens, Nueplex cinema is one of the best cinemas in Pakistan.

This cinema is pulling out people from their homes in Karachi and compelling them to watch movies there. Foreigners and immigrant Pakistanis are totally awed when they come to The Place and always list it among the top places in Karachi for spending a day.

Nueplex Cinema is actually located in The Place, which itself is one of Karachi points of interest.

Read my full blog on The Place https://www.acupofkarachi.com/the-place/

3. Mohatta Palace

(Image source:Pakistani.pk)

If you ever happen to drive over the new flyover near Abdullah Shah Qazi Mazar you will notice the beautiful red bricked domes of Mohatta Palace. And it’s no surprise that back when Fatima Ali Jinnah was residing in the palace she would enjoy qawali nights held at the shrine from the roof top of Mohatta Palace.

Mohatta Palace is a gem in Karachi. A unique blend of pink Jodhpur stone and local yellow stone from Gizri. It is a magnificent structure that looks like a crown in a very urbanized Karachi.

As soon as you enter Mohatta Palace, you feel so peaceful, awed and inspired.

Mohatta Palace is also known for holding art exhibitions and trust me every time you go there you will discover something new.

Mohatta Palace is definitely one of the best places to visit in Karachi.

The Palace usually closes before 4 pm.

4.Mazare Quaid

The mausoleum of the Father of the nation, Mohammad Ali Jinnah is a splendid structure.

The mausoleum is spectacularly constructed at an elevation from the ground on a naturally formed platue. Then as you walk towards the monument it seems to grow in height.

It is expertly constructed with glorious fine-looking white marble stone with a dome nestled over a four-sided building structure that has walls tapering.

The entrances on each wall of have original Islamic architecture’s style and strategy. The white marble structure looks marvelous with steps descending to a marble floor that in turn leads to fountains and lush emerald green lawns. The inside of the tomb has the sarcophagus(stone coffin) in the middle with a green chandelier hanging from the dome.

It’s quite a wonder, when the city’s traffic, pollution, and tensions are rising you can see the mausoleum shining like a pearl and emitting positive vibes.

The entire tomb is surrounded by a lush green park where people can sit and relax and have a picnic.

5.Do Darya

Do Darya is located in Phase 8 DHA. It’s one of the most spectacular and one of its kind food street in Pakistan. Do Darya is a must place to visit in Karachi. An entire food street along the Arabian Sea. With many notable restaurants like Kolachi, Savour, and Mirage are situated adjacent to each other.

I recommend going there at night when the weather is cooler and you can feel the tranquil sea breeze while enjoying great food.

A must try is Paneer Reshmi at Kolachi Do Darya.

6.Port Grand

(Image source: Wikipedia)

Port Grand is a recreational complex near the Karachi Port. It was opened in 2011 and it’s definitely a must place to visit in Karachi.

The first striking feature of Port Grand is the spectacular architecture. Karachi Port on one side and beautiful restaurants lined on the other. Besides dining, there is a shopping complex and a recreational center, where kids can enjoy rides and some handicraft activities.

I recommend taking a buggy ride; that way you can enjoy the entire view in a very majestic style.

7.Sea View

Karachi is the only port city of Pakistan, and it has some of the most beautiful beaches in Asia. Lately, the government did put some efforts to restore and maintain the beaches.

Although there are many beaches in Karachi, like Hawks bay, French beach, Paradise point, Turtle beach, Sea view is pretty much in the center and easily accessible.

Good security, proper road and car parking, benches, food, and drinks available, shaded permanent benches and good maintenance.

Many food vendors and bathrooms also available.

8.Empress Market

If you want to have a taste of Karachi’s British era head to Saddar. then from there go straight to Empress Market.

Empress market was one of the earliest gateways of business in Karachi. The entire market looks very historic yet very enticing. You will be mesmerized by the smell of unique spices. Fresh fruits, vegetables and dry fruits all sorts of basic grocery items, you name it this place has it.

Empress market also has the biggest meat market in Karachi.

Even though Karachi is the biggest city of Pakistan and there are hundreds of places to visit here. If you at least visit the above-mentioned places then trust me you have well read the city.

Enjoy Karachi!

Super Savari Express Review

One thing that differs a local resident from a foreigner is the desire to explore. And this usually implies to everyone. When I go to a new city, I just want to explore, but Karachi is my home and it’s my comfort. Yes, I do want to check out every new mall and restaurant but there is no urgency, as I can go whenever I want. (But this hardly happens, unless you have friends and family visiting from abroad)

The same happened with Super Savari Express. One year back my eldest sis sent me a link of Super Savari Express. “Look they now have a tour bus for Karachi too, we must try it out.” She told me excitedly.

My first impression “Yeah it looks really nice and exciting, Ok we’ll plan something.”

Later, I forgot all about it and everything was back to routine. Living in Karachi makes you pretty consumed with the daily routine. One hardly finds time to actually plan a “City Tour”. And as they mock about us “Hum to weekend par nani ke ghar jatay hain So it is the case with my family 🙂

Then it was this year in January, that my other sister’s family was coming to Karachi from Australia. My 17-year-old niece was very much into this Super Savari Express. I thought, “Why not, let’s do it then!

So I got the contact info from their facebook page and learned that they have different tour packages. Except, the Sunday tour all other tours are private tours and you have to pay for the entire bus.

Then there is the most common city tour and there is also a food tour which is usually at night.

We opted for the most convenient Sunday City tour package. Ticket cost per adult is Rs.2500, and children under 3 travel for free.

You can purchase tickets from Hoagies restaurant in Khayabane Shahbaz DHA or from their main head office in Saddar. All payments have to be done before the tour.

Every Sunday morning this tour starts at 8 am and ends at 1:00 pm.

We were a group of 6 adults and two kids, one 7 and the other 3 years old.

Important Tips

1.Keep water bottles.

2.Some light snacks ( Very important) Although breakfast is included in the package it’s not served right away. It can take an hour or so till you reach the breakfast destination and since the tour starts early it’s important you keep something for munching especially with kids.

3.Wear very comfortable clothes and especially very comfortable shoes. There is a good amount of walking on the tour.

4.Always remember to put on sunblock and wear your sunnies.

5.For women, its recommended to carry a dupatta or scarf since this extra piece of clothing at times proves to be very helpful in certain areas of Karachi.

6.Hand sanitizers and Wipes.

7.Keep some cash in case you fall for some unique spices in Empress market.

We reached Super Savari  Express main head office around 7:55 just to be right on time. When I first climbed up the stairs, I was quite fascinated by the antique, very Saddarish look of the building. Modern architecture doesn’t really have a soul and its only in Saddar one can experience what the magnitude of Karachi’s architecture was once.

Walking towards the waiting room/office I thought Gosh! maybe we are the only ones. But when we walked into this cute little office with the typical display of truck art everywhere I saw many excited tourists already waiting in line. Most of them were foreigners and NRPs (Nonresident Pakistanis) and pure local Karachiites like me, my hubby and kids were very few.

But as I believe in going with the flow, I thought to myself OK today I will be a stranger to Karachi and I will allow Super Savari Express to introduce Karachi to me.

Although the tour was supposed to begin at 8:00 am sharp we didn’t  leave the office until 8:45.

Super Savari Express Bus

The stellar part of Savari Express was the tour bus, the actual, original, traditional, desi bus. Decorated with truck art and with seats barely big enough for a comfortable seating.

To be honest I love these buses! Throughout my college and university days, I traveled in these buses. I enjoyed standing near the door and chit chatting with all my girlfriends and consuming the air pollution and petrol smell all at once. Ahh, the good old days!

But this time the experience was, even more, fun because now I got to sit on this bus with my two little boys who also found the bus the best part of the tour. My 3-year-old yelled with excitement when he saw the bus.

Since this time there was no separate section for ladies and gents section, we sat at the back.

And yes the driver and conductor were also very typically dressed in shalwar kameez and Sindhi topi which I found to be very cute.

Karachi Freemasons Lodge

The engine started, Bollywood music in full volume and off we went, our first stop was Karachi’s, Freemasons Lodge. Not many people have heard of it and neither did I know that something like this existed here.

So just a little info about Freemasonry, basically a secret society, where like-minded people form an organization and hold secret meetings to come up with actions.

It was constructed in 1914 under the British Rule and to the locals, this building was known as Jadoo Ghar.

Now, this Freemasons lodge in Karachi is pretty historic and the building gives a damn classic British look. The huge pillars, the central wooden staircase which divides into two at the top, all these attributes add some creepiness and excitement on its own.

Since I am a curious bug, I searched everywhere and walked up the stairs just to find out that now this building belongs to the Sindh Wildlife department, which I question if are using this profound building to its full potential?

Now moving on to what Super Savari Express had in store for us.

I know that many of us actually love living in Karachi and for many, Karachi is totally killing them, but there is something about the clear Sunday mornings in the city. When there is not much traffic on the road, the streets look relatively clear and one can notice the shades of green around. Amidst all the hustle and bustle lies a city so tired with all the wear and tear but is always smiling and wakes up every morning, fresh and energized for a new beginning. Karachi holds thousands and thousands of stories, told and untold, lost and forgotten ones and the ones which are weaved in our soul.

Super Savari express has done an amazing job by retelling the tales of Karachi with actual visualization and interaction. Hats off to them for this!

Now moving on from Freemasons lodge our next destination was Kabootar Chowk.

Kabootar Chowk

Oh yes, over here our guides also lulled into some Bollywood fantasy by giving us a chance to live the Bollywood moment with many pigeons flying around.

Every Super Savari Express bus has its own tour guide who guide us in English, which is a good thing since most of the people are actual tourists visiting from foreign nations and since most of the Pakistanis understand English as well.

Kabootar chowk is the big round about across Sindh High court. Earlier it was called Gandhi Chowk because it had a big statue of Mahatma Gandhi.

But after partition, the statue was removed from there and then handed over to the Indian embassy.

Walk in Saddar

After that, we were taken to Saddar, and then the bus came to a halt, and we were made to walk around the streets.

Trust me that the only way you can walk around Saddar street peacefully is only on Sunday mornings. And if you walk deeper into the streets of Saddar you will be surprised to see there is so much history and many interesting stories hidden in the crevices of these antique British-era buildings.

And every old building in Saddar has a story attached to it, which gave Karachi something profound in terms of business, economy, social structure and culture.

Be it the first Kachi Memon mosque, or the only Parsi Temple in Pakistan or the first bazaar, or the first insurance company building. Saddar is home to them.

Becuase even if we do happen to visit Saddar its usually for shopping and we walk with our eyes looking straight or sideways rarely do we lift up our heads and look at the massive construction, and the dates inscribed at the top of these massive old rocks solid constructed buildings.

A tour with Super Savari Express definitely gives you a chance to ponder over buildings that have history and not just retail business in Saddar.

After a good amount of walk, everyone’s tummy was rumbling and what could be better than an offer of Pakistan’s universal nashta which is anda paratha.

Cafe Jahangir

We were taken to one of the oldest cafes in Karachi which is known as Cafe Jahangir. Started by a Parsi businessman, for providing free food to the poor and all the money earned from this business would be given to charity.

The paratha was pretty good. Fresh hot and crunchy served with the regular pyaaz wala omelet. Doodh Patti chai, delicious and totally kicking!

We continued our tour, after the yummy desi nastha.

St. Patricks Cathedral

Christians in Karachi

The Christian population in Karachi is 2.42%  and they constitute the largest religious minority in Karachi. The two major Christian ethnic groups are the Goan ( from Goa) Catholics and Punjabi Christians.

Hidden in the overcrowded area of Saddar and covered with high walls, one can only spot the dome of the cathedral. But if you ever did get a chance to visit St.Patricks cathedral from inside, you will be dazed! I really don’t have any information whether outsiders are allowed to visit the cathedral on random basis. We were privileged to take a tour inside the cathedral, thanks to Super Savari Express tour.

What makes St.Patricks cathedral such an awe-inspiring sight is the Gothic Revival architecture.

The Monument of Christ the King is also situated inside the cathedral. It’s a splendid construction of white marble.  Once you go inside the monument there is something suspensive, and it has a story related to it as well. Me and my kids were anticipating it a lot and it was worth the tension. 🙂

The church from inside is huge, with a very high ceiling, with a seating capacity for around 1500 worshippers. There are beautiful paintings and exquisite glass work on the walls.

If you have never seen a typical church from inside, St. Patricks cathedral is the place to go.

Empress Market

This was the first time I went to Empress market.

Empress market was one of the earliest gateways of business. Early Sunday mornings are not very busy in Empress market, the way it gets later during the day. Empress market also has the biggest meat market in Karachi.

After Empress market, our next and final destination was Mohatta Palace.

Since Army Public school students had a pre-booked visit to Jinnah House, we couldn’t tour it that day. Otherwise, it is included in the package.

So as far as Mohatta Palace is concerned I have been there many times. Though each time there is a new exhibit. And this time there were three displays, Textile, World Maps and some Paintings.

The World Map display was the best and quite an eye opener.

Super Savari Express Tour had to end at 1 pm, but reached back to the head office around 2 pm. Reason? Karachi Eat Festival near Frere Hall, which added a lot of traffic.

Since Sundays are usually free the delay wasn’t an issue. And we were really glad that we had finally done Super Savari Express and it was totally worth it.

Many people would easily judge Super Savari  Express thing as a very ordinary tour. But if you try to understand their USP, you learn they are actually paying a wonderful tribute to the city of Karachi. And the local residents of Karachi must definitely experience it once and actually enjoy their city’s heritage.


Annotations: Revisited at Koel Art Gallery a Must Visit Art Exhibition About Karachi

Annotations: Revisited at Koel Art Gallery from 11th August til 27th August

Isn’t it often we think that Karachi is consuming us in a good way and a bad way? I often think like it, when I’m away from Karachi, I feel its magnetic aura is pulling me back and when I’m in Karachi I feel flustered, consumed…

Annotations:Revisited by Anum Jamal is depicting this feeling of the commoners through her beautiful, awe inspiring piece of art.


About the Artist

Anum Jamal is a young, highly talented artist who is bringing fame and pride to our country through her unique, modern, piece of art.

She received her Bachelors in Fine Art from Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture in 2012 and was the recipient of the Zahoor ul Akhlaq Award for Best Drawing Portfolio, after which she received her Master’s in Contemporary Art Practices from Coventry School of Art and Design in 2015, both degrees with overall distinctions.

Apart from exhibitions, Anum is part of an international artist group called The Salon, with whom she has exhibited and produced collaborative works. She was also chosen as one of the few artists to work on a collaborative public art project titled The Domino Run with a performance for Coventry Mysteries.

You Are Here
You Are Here

Karachi Put together in Pieces of Art

Whats unique with Anum’s art is her brilliance of using graphite and pencil to draw, shade line, and sketch, mostly the aerial views of the city’s skyline.

Although these exhibits not only depict Karachi, but also Coventry UK which the artist has lived in, the general infrastructure and race to the same goal post is same in many other big cities of the world.

Big, fast growing, consumer oriented, happening cities like Karachi dictate our lives in a very drastic way. We are not aware of it yet its happening. Our lives here function in a geometrical pattern, which Anum has explained in a very direct, simple and fascinating way.

Putting It Together III
Putting It Together III

When you look at Neighboring City I you realize that no matter where you start from. you enter at the same spot, your life is centered around a maze and people are coming from every direction.

Although this may seem quite orthodox, people are now starting to like it. We Karachites have developed a way to fall in love with every piece of steel and iron, and the tidbits of green that the city has to offer.

So if you want to look at modern Karachi through art and think again of your life in Karachi then a visit to Annotations: Revisited at Koel Art Gallery is a must.