5 Tips to Find the Best Pediatrician in Karachi

No matter how healthy your child is and despite the fact that you take really good care of your baby a doctor’s visit is must. Apart from vaccinations, there are sudden onsets of fever, viral flu, diarrhea or just any parental concern. Our helper then is a doctor. But finding a promising doctor can be quite a headache in a big city like Karachi.

Where sometimes doctors associated with very big and prestigious hospitals are just average and other times parents are willing to take their children in very remote areas of the city just because they heard from some relative that this doctor is blessed with healing powers.

So here are my 5 tips that will help you as a parent to find the best pediatrician in Karachi for your child:-

1. Which hospital is the doctor working for?
Usually well established and recognized hospitals have good doctors.

2. A middle aged doctor has an edge.
Not too young, since his experience will be less and not too old they have too much experience and usually don’t pay much attention to what you are saying.
My experience with middle aged pediatricians has been pretty good so far; they pay attention and are friendly towards children.

3. Look for a doctor in the vicinity.
We all know traveling far distance in Karachi is quite a hassle and nobody wants to be stuck in traffic with a sick child.
Usually every area has a good doctor you just need to find him.

4. A good doctor will not give too many medicines.
Before the age of 5 a child’s immunity is developing by leaps and bounds and we all know too many medicines compromise the immune system. Therefore it’s best to let the body do its work, until it’s a life threatening condition or a situation where medicines are unavoidable.

5. Listen to your parental instincts.
Under any circumstances don’t come under pressure. Always go with a doctor with whom you feel comfortable and not because of his big name or some relatives gave you assurances. It’s your child and the decision is yours. Even the most popular and known as best pediatrician often don’t get along with parents, and parents don’t completely understand the doctors diagnosis.

Author: Kiran Kanwal

I am a freelance writer, I enjoy researching and writing about my city. There are so many new ventures opening up in the city, which I believe need to be reviewed honestly for the sake of spreading awareness and information among the citizens. Since there is so much happening in the city, I like to write about the "Good Stuff." Besides writing my other pleasures are healthy cooking and traveling.

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