7 Tips for Getting Homework Done On Time

Is homework the last thing your child wants to talk about? Do you keep blaming the school for giving so much homework? Are you finding it difficult to get your child’s homework done on time?

Homework helps children learn and absorb the knowledge they gathered in school. Sitting alone at home with a textbook and completing an assigned task provides the space and freedom to learn, memorize and enjoy knowledge.

So how do you get homework completed on time?

1.Routine is the key
Setting up a schedule is very important. Homework is best in the evening, when children have come home from play, taken a nap and had some snack. One hour every day for homework is more than enough.
But make it a point to set up regularity. Routine always makes things easy, smooth and effortless.

2. Environment
A properly lit room, away from all distractions especially T.V and phone, a comfortable chair and table provide a peaceful for environment for solving math problems or writing an English essay.

3. It’s the children’s responsibility. Let them do it.
Parents must avoid opening their child’s bag and taking out their diary. It should be the other way round. Get your child in the habit of unpacking his bag and take responsibility for his studies. This way child will take pride in their work and their problem solving skills will also be enhanced.

4. Parents participation can make it fun
By parents participation I do not mean that you do the homework or keep helping even when not asked for. Parents can sit down with their kids and say “O.k. you got homework, well I also got some assignments from work, why not finish our work together.”

5. Help, support, motivate
It’s best that children do their homework on their own and in the end bring their work to you for review. But help is needed many times and parents must enthusiastically, with a smile on their face help their children.
Few words of support and appreciation can do wonders.
Remember never grudge while helping, a sour help is better than no help at all.

6. Keep all essentials handy
Pencils, paper, notes, a home dictionary must all be within reach. Children must not roam around looking for a sharpener or shout, “Mommy I can’t find my scale.” These are all tiny distractions and waste time.

7.Take homework seriously
Homework is very important and therefore you can’t afford to show negligence in this case. If parents see that their children are facing some serious problems with homework tell your child to discuss it with the teacher.
Children must never feel shy from the teacher. It’s their right to seek help from the teacher and if the problem seems to get worse parents interference becomes necessary.

Author: Kiran Kanwal

I am a freelance writer, I enjoy researching and writing about my city. There are so many new ventures opening up in the city, which I believe need to be reviewed honestly for the sake of spreading awareness and information among the citizens. Since there is so much happening in the city, I like to write about the "Good Stuff." Besides writing my other pleasures are healthy cooking and traveling.

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