Best Buffet Breakfast in Karachi: Bar-B-Q Tonight there’s much more than Kebabs

Sunday mornings are lazy, quiet, and all one wants is a happy breakfast to cheer up the day.

Well that’s exactly what I was craving for this morning; I tapped here and there on my web browser for some great breakfast spots nearby. And the menu that did glue me was Bar B-Q Tonight’s Sunday breakfast buffet menu.

With less talking and more action I got ready, dressed up my kids and we drove off to Bar-B-Q Tonight at 9:30 am.

I must say early Sunday mornings in Karachi are exceptional, bright clean, just 3 or 4 cars on the road and its simply beautiful.

We reached there in 15 minutes and off to eat.

There was everything one can ask for in a breakfast, from mutton paya, to on the spot ready omelets.

I started with some really scrumptious sausages, potato croquettes, pancakes, French toast. The potato croquettes were perfect with a clean crisp coating and very soft, yummy filling inside.

The next big thing was mutton paya. Hmmm…. what can I say about it. Absolutely delicious, the mutton trotters were soft like butter and oozing with flavors and top it more with fresh naans.

Mutton keema beautifully cooked. The sausages were soft, balanced with the right flavors not too salty in short, perfect.

I’m not a big fan of sarsoon ka saag but never leave anything in a buffet so I did give it a try and it taste the way it’s supposed to with a slight strong, bittersweet aroma and makai ki roti a bit tough yet delicious.

On the spot omelet was totally sumptuous, you can tell the chef whatever ingredients you want from jalapenos, olives cheese anything.

Fresh apple and watermelon juice.

Namkeen and sweet lassi they way it is usually is  in a restaurant not with much depth yet it has the flavors.

And really soft warm brownies, cakes and the tea was excellent and kicking. You can ask the waiter to bring you elaichi chai straight from the kitchen.

Of course how can I forget the fruit bar, my kids are nuts over fruits. Pakistani fruits are the best without a question.

The only dishes that did let me down were the desserts, sweet yogurt wasn’t good at all either with mango or strawberry flavoring and the pudding wasn’t very wobbly and had more of a burnt vanilla flavor.

But with just one put off, I cant say no to this amazing breakfast buffet.

Rating: 8 out of 10.
Customer service: 10 out of 10. Bar B-Q Tonight has a very efficient, friendly and cooperative staff.
Value for money: Extremely affordable! When other restaurants are offering only scrambled eggs with beef sausages for Rs. 650, here you can enjoy an entire buffet for only Rs.850.

Author: Kiran Kanwal

I am a freelance writer, I enjoy researching and writing about my city. There are so many new ventures opening up in the city, which I believe need to be reviewed honestly for the sake of spreading awareness and information among the citizens. Since there is so much happening in the city, I like to write about the "Good Stuff." Besides writing my other pleasures are healthy cooking and traveling.

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