How to Get Good Jobs in Karachi

Karachi is the economic hub of our country, and people from different backgrounds and social standards come here looking for a job.

But its a cut throat competition here and the higher pay roll job you apply for the competition only gets tougher.

In rare cases does it happen that one is hired for a job in the first go instead people face rejection quite a lot of times.

And that’s why many people end up doing a job against their choice.

Common Misconceptions about Jobs in Karachi

1. Intercede or “Sifarish”

Let me make one thing clear that sifarish in any case does not mean reference and not many people know this.

To intercede or do sifarish means:

“to beg or plead in behalf of another”

While Reference or Recommendation is about; how your  good character and social skills affect others and particularly those who are in a position to refer you;


Reference or recommendation is an Entirely Legal and Logical demand of companies for hiring employers.

Although I cannot totally deny that sifarish does not apply in our country or particularly for jobs in Karachi it does apply in many fields especially government organizations (the reason behind their utter failure to deliver).

2. Women are First Priority


If a girl is more qualified and has better interpersonal skills, and she has good time management skills; she will be selected.

This has nothing to do with gender.

However if girls are securing higher grades in exams according to statistics then the chances of girls getting hired first, definitely increases.

3. Fluent English Only

If all that you utter from your mouth is nonsense but its delivered in accurate, grammatically correct, English it gets you Nowhere.

Although fluent spoken English is a prerequisite for any job in Karachi. Its not the most important requirement.

Once you’ve cleared your mind of these misunderstandings you can move onto the next step.

Here I will particularly focus on effective ways of getting hired in good jobs in Karachi.

So Whats the MOST Effective Way to get Good Jobs in Karachi?

1. Networking


Family, friends, neighbors, relatives everyone counts when it comes to looking for a good job. But how….?

  • Develop Interpersonal Skills

“Are people paying attention when you talk? Do they smile at you? Are their eyes focused on you?”

If not… then start practicing from today;

  • pay attention to what others are saying
  • stay positive
  • look confident always
  • be helpful
  • NEVER show Attitude

People who have strong interpersonal skills usually are perceived as optimistic, calm, confident and charismatic – qualities that are often endearing or appealing to others.

  • Make Friends

Sounds too cheesy.. but its not just about the more people you know rather its the people who know you good.

So once you are aware of well settled people in your family or around you, start your ACTION.

  • Attend family dinners, go to weddings, show your presence…
  • Approach people with confidence and a smile
  • Begin the conversation or join in the conversation
  • Keep conversations on a discussion level and never let it go to an argumentative level.
  • Talk about stuff they like and try to look interested and give valid opinions.
  • Don’t sound too eager about their jobs or businesses; this makes you look stupid.


  • Weak” Personal Relationship

Once “this” person likes you he or she will not hesitate in referring your name because when a potential employer calls them asking about you they will have good memories about you.

More the Acquaintances the better.

  • Importance of Reference

Look at it, this way;

“Suppose you are going to hire a driver for your family and you have 4 compatible candidates, but they all are coming through different recommendations, for e.g No. 1 is recommended by your neighbor, No. 2 is recommended by your friend, No.3 recommended by your maid and No.4 is recommended by your brother.”

Who will you select?

Of course No.4 because he is recommended by your brother and you trust your brother more than others.

Since people in Karachi have a trust deficit issue,  so a good reference will surely guarantee you a promising job in Karachi.

  • Reference Letter

Make sure the references name, contact number, email address and residential address is mentioned clearly. Usually the potential employer will contact the refernce and enquire about you.

2.Preparing Your Resume


Your Resume speaks before you no matter how charming and intelligent you are or how many languages you speak your first appearance is a piece of paper.

  • use proper grammatically correct English
  • avoid typo errors
  • check for spellings
  • Never Make up Information on your Resume it can haunt you later
  • always use Active Verbs, meaning if you did something in the past you have to make it appear as recent and fresh as possible.
  • arrange information in a timeline sequence
  • go through sample resumes
  • proofread your resume many times

3. Preparing for the Interview


  • Track down the history of the company.
  • If its retail business visit their stores, talk to the customers and employees raise a few questions.
  • Wear simple, clean clothes and dont overdo it.
  • Your body language; nobody likes a persons who touches his face, or fiddles with his fingers while talking, avoid a slouchy or rigid posture.
  • Keep eye to eye contact, talk with confidence and look graceful.
  • Prepare in advance, research common interview questions

Change Your Attitude

When you are going for the interview and your are thinking,  “I need this job,” try to change and re evaluate your desire instead focus on “I’m here to help your business grow,”.

The employer in only interested in what You Can Do For the Company not what you want.


1. Apply in at least 10 or more different companies

2. Keep your options open, like consider apprenticeship or voluntary work. Remember everything counts in experience.

3.Don’t get discouraged soon keep trying and in the mean time keep learning and reading books.

4. Something is better than nothing, so don’t waste your time on trying for the high pay roll jobs.

Good Luck!





Author: Kiran Kanwal

I am a freelance writer, I enjoy researching and writing about my city. There are so many new ventures opening up in the city, which I believe need to be reviewed honestly for the sake of spreading awareness and information among the citizens. Since there is so much happening in the city, I like to write about the "Good Stuff." Besides writing my other pleasures are healthy cooking and traveling.

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