iPhone 6 Best Phone For Taking Pictures

We all have a phone, be it a smartphone, regular phone or the basic landline phone. But now advanced is definitely much better.

Smartphones have surely conquered all the cliches attached to phones that these devices are merely meant only for communication. Smartphones nowadays are much more than communication devices. They are almost our everything!

I am a big fan of photography. I admire beautiful pictures, I am particular about my own pictures and also enjoy taking pictures of my loved ones and of scenarios.

Our recent trip to the States was one amazing experience and luckily I got to capture almost every beautiful moment in a picture. From the Golden Gate bridge to the beautiful sunset at the Big Sur drive, I got to click every moment.

But this time most of the pictures were not taken with my canon DSLR camera but with my iPhone 6.

So I just wanted to share with you, in particular, the advantages of carrying an iPhone 6 with you especially while traveling.

Big Camera VS iPhone 6

1.Smartphones are Easy to Carry

Big cameras are like an extra luggage piece. They need extra care and have weight. iPhone 6 or any other smartphone can be easily carried in your pocket and is pretty sturdy.

2.Large storage

iPhone 6 has a storage capacity of up to 16GB which means you can store almost more than 5000 pictures.

3.Long Battery Life

As compared to iPhone 6 my camera’s battery life was low and whenever my cameras battery disappointed me with its low battery life my iPhone 6 was always there.

4.Amazing Pictures

The picture quality of the iPhone 6 is pretty amazing. I know there are many people who argue about the megapixels in iPhone 6 being only 8 megapixels. And other smartphones have more megapixels, but trust me this just didn’t affect the quality of my pictures. In fact, any picture that I took from my camera and my iPhone 6 had no difference at all.The main talking point is Focus Pixels, additional elements that work out where light is actually coming from, so they can provide directional information to the camera to focus more quickly.This, combined with the lower MP count (which makes the task of taking a photo less onerous for the sensor) improves snapping speed.via iPhone 6 review.

5.Best “Selfie” Phone

Although I am not a big fan of taking selfies but for some reason because of friends and family I have to become a part of it. And when it came to taking selfies with my iPhone surely everyone was impressed. And yes I did take some selfie shots of myself and couldn’t resist admiring myself 🙂

6.Instant Share

Also one of the biggest advantages of taking pictures from any smartphone is that you can instantly share it online. And before you upload your photos right away you can always do some basic editing like managing the light add some effects and also crop the image.

As December is usually the month of weddings and anniversaries in Karachi and people are usually looking for the perfect gift for their loved ones,  an iPhone 6 I think would be a pretty valued gift.

Also if you check online the prices are less.

As the winter season is approaching I am anticipating sale season. Last year we witnessed a huge sale in different outlets in Karachi, from Gul Ahmed to many other big names, the sale was pretty daunting and so it was on Daraz Black Friday Sale.

It is expected that there will be a same kind of sale this year too on Black Friday. So keep an eye on the prices of the products that you want to purchase, because the prices suddenly become very less, and you don’t want to miss it.

Trust me online shopping is the easiest shopping!



Black Friday in Pakistan

When we coin the term Black Friday in Pakistan, it will probably be everything except SHOPPING!

Friday a sacred day, a half day, Friday prayers all of that is associated with it, and Black Friday would simply mean adding fire to the coal!

Black Friday would signify terror, pain, bloodshed and other worse entities.

However luckily we never had a Black Friday here only Fridays. And for those who are aware…. It means BIG TIME SHOPPING!

Black Friday History

The following day after Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in November) is Black Friday.

The term “Black Friday” was coined in the 1960s to mark the start to the Christmas shopping season. “Black” refers to profit. Basically Black Friday is the unofficial start of the bustling holiday shopping season

It marks the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the US. This Day started gaining popularity in the early 2000’s when retailers started opening their shops very early even during overnight hours.

So What’s the Connection Between Black Friday and Pakistan?

Since nowadays social media, the internet and the bombardment of information tells everyone everything. Black Friday isn’t new too.

Black Friday will be marked on 27th November 2015 this year all around the world including Pakistan and the stores that will be offering killer shopping deals is Daraz.pk

There will be astounding discount deals on a huge number of products from fashion accessories, branded clothes, mobiles, electronic items etc.

So if you are planning to buy a new phone, or a fridge or anything then you must simply hold your horses and wait till the 27th of November when you can avail money saving deals from Daraz.

I have a huge list of shopping in mind and can’t wait for Black Friday shopping at Daraz.pk. Are you coming too?