If you are an intermediate college or A-level student and are feeling confused and stressed about your admissions to a good reputable university, then worry no more, because Iqra University is offering you a very good solution, and completely Free of Cost!
I know even I couldn’t believe it at first, but once I learned more about the details of the program I am quite convinced. So let me walk you through the details of this program.
Iqra University needs no introduction. With 30,000 students enrolled in Iqra University’s multiple programs, across Karachi and Islamabad, its reputation only grows by the day.
And it has always been their priority to provide quality education without burdening students and their families with any kind of financial burden.
As we all know that adolescents in Pakistan often are faced with difficulties when deciding for a higher degree and career, and it will not be wrong to say that there is a dearth of career counseling, so most students have to look out for themselves without any professional guidance, so when such a university like Iqra University takes the initiative of offering free preparatory admission courses, then one needs not to give it a second thought!
The GRU ( Get Ready University ) program will prepare students academically and professionally so that they are fully equipped with all the tools to get admission in a good reputable university.
The GRU program will help students master their critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills. They will learn all the habits which are extremely critical to survive and thrive in the 21st century.
Currently, GRU is offering exam preparation courses for Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, and Accounting.
The most amazing part of this program is that it will all be offered online! So you need not worry about going through the hassle of traveling but merely just have to switch on your PC/laptop and log in to the course.
All the classes will be conducted online with highly trained professionals, so if you are a college student or know of anyone who requires assistance for preparing for university then go ahead and sign up for Iqra University’s GRU program.